The New Demon Telegraph

Issue No. 2 - September, 2024


Depending on who you talk to, there are different ideas on how many types of magical effects there are:  vanish, transformation, levitation etc.  Whatever the number is, I believe the humble pack of cards is the most versatile tool in a conjurer's armoury. Not only is it versatile in effect, but also in presentation. One can entertain 1 to over a 1,000 people with something that fits into your pocket.

The techniques and skills required are very different for the two ends of the scale. The subject of card magic is clearly a huge one, which has morphed over the years as magicians' needs and inspirations have changed.  As such, it is all too easy for the current generation to put card magic in a box, so to speak.

 My own magical journey started with being taken by my mother to Davenport's Great Russell Street shop and finding tricks to play with, as much as anything, simply for something to do. I'd then try them out on customers as I was at an age when I had yet to even contemplate the idea of being self-conscious or nervous of presenting a trick for the first time to a complete stranger. Of course, customers would humour this little 6-year old, who could barely see over the counter.  

Seeing Geoffrey Buckingham lecture when I was 12 was a landmark moment, inspiring my love, well actually obsession with stage manipulation. Later on, in my 20s the necessities of becoming a professional magician meant that some focus at least had to return to the world of close-up magic.

The point of all this is that I feel that each area of magical presentation has in turn informed the other. Moving between demonstrating "pocket tricks" to performing on stage, then close-up and back to cabaret and stage has a powerful impact of one discipline informing another, thereby each benefiting in its own right.

This week I am releasing a batch of card-related items, which I hope will fulfil the idea of "something for everyone". Packs of cards and tricks old and new, packet tricks and stage props, card magic books for stage manipulation and close-up and even a couple of items of memorabilia. I believe this selection also offers you the opportunity to grow and inform your own magical world, whatever world that may be.

Whenever you visit, please take a look at the latest additions and enjoy your browse!


Roy Davenport

The Demon Telegraph - for progressive magiciansThe Demon Telegraph - for progressive magicians

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