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Clickety Click - Davenports instruction sheet (download)

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PDF download of Davenports instruction sheet for Clickety Click by Orrin.

EFFECT: Four table tennis balls are displayed on a skeleton stand. Holding a bat in his right hand, the performer relates how he tried to play on board ship in a high wind; every time he hit a ball the wind carried it away. He illustrates this by picking up one of the balls, throwing it into the air and striking it with the bat, with the result that the ball disappears. At any rate, that is what it sounds like. This, is repeated with the remaining three balls. When the stand is empty, the performer drops a handkerchief over it. Continuing the story, the performer explains that the balls were not lost, as before long the wind changed and blew them back again. As each (invisible) ball arrives he taps it smartly with the bat to guide it towards the stand. When the latter is uncovered the four balls are seen to have returned.

Please note that this is a digital only product. Once purchased, it will be available for you to download from your account. Trick/apparatus not included. All manufacturing rights are retained.

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